- Be yourself. Of course you should be on your best behavior on interviews but you should not act like a completely different person. Hiring managers often look for specific personalities that will mesh with the company. So being yourself is the best option.
- Be prepared and honest. Simple as that. Find out information on the company so you can ask appropriate questions. Just because you are being interviewed doesn't mean you can't ask questions. It's important to know what you are getting yourself into.
- You are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. You both want to see if it's a suitable match and mutually beneficial.
It's completely normal to be nervous for an interview. But don't let your nerves talk yourself down! You must remember to be yourself - companies don't want to hire robots. You may have brushed up on the company's facts and have imagined a hundred different scenarios in your head - which is all important prep - but your personality is what will make you stand out. That and maybe a surprise such as you asking the interviewer questions! Not only is it important to know what you'll be getting yourself into, but switching the roles will be refreshing for the interviewer. Remember, you want to be a suitable match for your future work environment! It's very important to make sure your personality meshes well with the company and the only way to achieve this goal is through being yourself.