Discovering the right person for the job and the right job for each person

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Rest assured knowing the hiring process is in expert hands.


Work faster, better, and more efficiently with the right employee for each job.


Accomplish more with a skilled and balanced team.

How it works


We learn about your company's needs, dynamics, and culture to find the best fit for everyone



We assign a recruiter with a specialized expertise who is an expert in your specific industry



We search our database of thousands of resumes for relevant candidates which has proven to be successful



We screen each and every new candidate in order to provide the best match



We conduct interviews and organize the entire hiring process to find the best candidate



We create a win-win setup with our negotiation manager that ensures the best price for both sides



We communicate with all parties - employer and employee - for a smooth transition in order to make your job easy

"Working with SM Staffing has a been a real pleasure. From the initial phone call of discussing our hiring needs, it was time spent with patience and eagerness to determine what they can do to find our company quality candidates. Even once we met a few candidates (which they located quickly for us) and we started the hiring process the sm staffing team was helpful and supportive throughout to ensure all works out smoothly for us. I would highly recommend their services for a company that values honesty, hard work and a real recruiting service."

Avigail Kemmoun
Advanced Behavioral Therapy

Find your fit

Posting Package

We post your job description to all our social media accounts, WhatsApp chats, email blasts, and website while keeping your company name confidential


per post

  • Blast your job description across our channels
  • Reach 30,000+ job seekers
  • 6 posts for $500
  • 3 post minimum
Most popular choice

Full Recruiting Package

We actively search for the exact candidate you are looking for. We interview, vet, and speak with references to ensure that every candidate is qualified.


of first year salary

  • We perform our culture evaluation to ensure high retention rate
  • We source candidates who fit your job description and culture
  • We conduct our perfected vetting and interviewing process
  • 30 day trial period to ensure candidate is the best fit

Connect with us

Get a Quote

Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Please allow up to 24-48 hour response during the weekdays.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common frequently asked questions

Does the posting package guarantee resumes?

No, the posting package guarantees viewership from all our streams of communication.

Is there insurance for the full recruiting package?

The insurance is the 30 day trial period in which the employee works for you. After that, we cannot guarantee any new placements.

Do you vet candidates?

In our full recruiting package, we interview and vet all potentional candidates to ensure high quality applicants.

Where do the posting packages get posted?

The posting packages get posted to multiple channels, including email blasts, our 20+ whatsapp groupchats, Linkedin, and our website

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes. If you refer us a candidate that gets hired, we will give you 20% of the contact.