- Eagerness is good, but too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Before applying to places, read up on the companies and job description. Always be prepared in knowing what you are applying for!
- Expand your online network as much as you can. Though don't underestimate an in-person conversation, those connections can go a long way.
- Make sure your resume is up to date and polished. Hiring managers and recruiters look to see how dedicated a candidate is during the application process. Put your best foot forward, efforts don't go unnoticed.
- Sometimes it is worth taking a position at a company that doesn't necessarily have much internal growth opportunity, and use that experience to build your resume. Learn new things and perfect your skills within that role. Then when you are ready to move up, your resume will reflect that you have the proper skills and experience for a higher position. Make sure to build your reference pool too!
- Hiring managers often look at your Linkedin before deciding to give you an interview. Make sure your profile is up to date and clean. Only put what's relevant there.
Regardless of your position in the company you work for, you too were once considered a candidate and had to go through the grueling process of hiring. Remember the fright you felt in wondering: Are they going to see I'm the best pick? What if they think they made a mistake with hiring me? Well, with the roles reversed, and now you're the hirer, you may be experiencing the other sides' fears: What happens if I don't hire the right person? Could I find a better fit in someone else? Firsty, think of the Golden Rule - treat others the way you want to be treated. How did you want to be seen when you were a candidate for your job? Then, prioritize your wants. Does your candidate have the right character for your work culture? Are they looking to pursue a career with your company? Are the aforementioned aspects more important than their experience and skillset? Are your standards too high? It's important to check yourself, to remember that you want to hire a person, not a robot (and even robots aren't perfect!). Obviously finding the perfect fit for the position you're seeking to fill is more desired, but remember that a perfect fit doesn't necessarily mean a right fit.